This year the Media-Communications department at Webster University Vienna, ASIFA-Austria (Austrian branch of the Association International du Film d’Animation) and the local production company are proud to present an event for creative people working in audio-visual media with an emphasis on what we like to call "animation-and-more".

The symposium titled "under the radar" will take place on February 25th and 26th 2012 in Raum D / quartier21 at the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna. It will be in English (with a bit of German if required) and open to the public.

On Saturday 25th we will screen films selected from work by members of ASIFA-Austria, recent work by students at Webster University Vienna and from independent artists. This program is titled "in567-liquids" and focuses on liquids as a broad theme. The number 567 defines the maximum length of the films in seconds chosen for this collection.

Starting at noon Sunday 26th February, five guest speakers will talk about individual topics that circle around the theme “under the radar.” They will project examples of their work and are open to questions and discussions. The title relates to creators of films who are still not established but are seeking to enter a more successful, established and recognized status in mainstream media - or - enjoy staying less prominent and exposed in a consciously chosen avant-garde and underground area of production.

This event is for artists, students, independent filmmakers, newcomers and everyone who enjoys working at the fringes of media design and production - people who mainly work on short films that could be animations, experimental work, narrative shorts, documentaries, music-videos and interdisciplinary media-art. We encourage the spillover between areas that have been kept separately for a long time, like popular culture, research, production, underground and the academic world. If you don't know where exactly your work might fit in you are probably in exactly the right place.

Guests presenting on Sunday between 12:00 noon and 5:00 pm:

Phil Moran - Director, producer (UK)

Adnan Popovic - Animation-artist (Austria)

Chi-Sui Wang - Painter, Visual-artist (Taiwan)

Michael Long - Animation-artist, magician (USA)

Daniel Ebner - Co-Founder of VIS Vienna Independent Shorts - festival (Austria)

Downloads / Images:



film-example: walzerkönig-adnan-popovic

film-example: tinamv1_1-adnan-popovic

film-example: tinamv1_2-adnan-popovic

film-example: vivus.funeratus_stefan.stratil_1.jpg

film-example: vivus.funeratus_stefan.stratil_2.jpg

logo: asifaaustria.pdf

logo: webster_vienna_media.pdf


ASIFA Austria


© 2012 Holger Lang

Webster University Vienna

“Der Standard” article:


The first materialization of "under-the-radar" appeared in February 2011 at the "sternstudio" gallery and allowed an open discussion between invited guest from different backgrounds: artists, filmmakers, researchers, consumers and teachers. The screening of the first compilation of "in567", a program of short films, all less than 9.5 minutes long, inspired our guests to perform several spontaneous short lectures. The full title of the film program "in-567-under-radar-ter-mission" initiated the plan for a broader event in 2012. The participants agreed that the combination of screenings - like at a film festival - and presentations - like at a conference - with discussions and personal exchanges on a casual level would create a fertile and encouraging environment for everyone who is working "under-the-radar". (HL)

go to:   front   /   info   /   schedule   /   presentations   /  in567-liquids