Martina Tritthart

Stefan Stratil

The selection "in567-liquids" is the second of a series of anthologies compiled for our annual program. The films are all shorter than 567 seconds (that is 9 minutes and 27 seconds) and attempt to identify a connecting theme. For this year's screening we collected films that had been produced up to the end of 2011 and are centered around the theme "liquids". This is a very fluid topic and encompasses work from media students and teachers from Webster University Vienna, ASIFA-Austria members and independent filmmakers. Some of this work has never been shown publicly before, some films have been known for quite a while and some work is really strange.

Program “in567-liguids” - Selected by Holger Lang.

slasher (2011) - Alek Baker (0:06)

Enlightenment (2010) - Aizhan Tuganbayeva (5:32)

Aes Enihsnus Eht (2007) - James MacGillivray, Gregory Freeman (2:00)

Krumlovsommer (2005), Film auf Fichtenholz (2007), Romalido (2009) - Norbert Trummer - (8:54)

drowning (2000) - Elisabeth-Zoe Knass (3:00)

assa (2002) - Pascal Derieux, Noelle Mason (3:30)

Sunce, Sol i More (1997) - Daniel Suljic (4:50)

act of love (2006) - Lynn Howard, Nick Mason (2:00)

2012 (2011) - Kellie Hicks (0:31)

Kissing Clouds (2011) - Brett Marren (2:27)

Under/Cut (2011) - Annelies Guisset (4:28)

bloody fly (2011) - Ben Sass (1:25)

drips and draps (2011) - Kellie Hicks, Brett Marren, Larry Watts, Madison Ridgdill,

Dan Ryan, Holly Lafflin, Hannah Schwartz, Alek Baker, Nick Dafnides (0:51)

zuna (2006) - Penny Retherford, Jean Luc Grelot (3:00)

Vivus Funeratus (1992) - Stefan Stratil (4:16)

ein Schiff wird kommen … 3.33 (1997) - Martina Tritthart (3:40)

Royally Genderfucked (2010) - Miya Norfleet-Aiken, Sarah Williams - (9:27)

liquids (2011) - Jack Cavello (2:00)

Battleship (2009) - Caitlin Spencer (1:19)

The pure elemenT (2010) - Gamma Siregar (2:21)

Bonus Track:  Arethusa (2012) - Agni A. (26:47)

(approx. 96 minutes)

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