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Saturday 23rd - MuseumsQuartier - Raum D / quartier21

6:00 pm - meet-and-greet / casual

7:00 pm - welcoming our guests / screening of the anthology “in567-clash”  (approx. 90 min.) / Q&A

9:00 pm - social fade out (until approx. 11 pm)

Sunday 24th - MuseumsQuartier - Raum D / quartier21

11:30 am - coffee-and-cake / casual

12:00 noon - introduction

12:15 pm - presentation Suzanne Buchan

13:05 pm - presentation Jens Meinrenken

13:55 pm - presentation Rebecca Akoun

14:45 - break

15:00 pm - presentation Katharina Simoens

15:50 pm - presentation Van McElwee

17:00 pm - Q&A with all participants

17:15 pm Closing event of ASIFAKEIL - social fade out (open end)

More information about the presentations. >>>

More information about the animation program. >>>

go to:   front   /   info   /   schedule   /   presentations   /  in567-clash

Schedule of the symposium February 2013 at Raum D / quartier21

Location: MuseumsQuartier Wien  /  Museumsplatz 1/5, A-1070 Wien  /  Austria  (map >>>)